Jeffree Star Net Worth
1. Jeffree Star’s Net Worth is$ 2.3 Million! A many months ago I wrote an composition on how important is Jeffree Star worth? Well, it's one of the most controversial motifs in the beauty assiduity as Jeffree Star has been indicted of numerous effects. This post will give you a better understanding of the star and his net worth. Jeffree Star is a celebrity makeup artist and entrepreneur who started his career at age 3. He's best known for his cosmetics line “ Jeffree Star Cosmetics” and his foundation “ Jeffree Star Foundation”. He was also the first American to win the World Makeup Artist Championship (WMAC). He has been indicted of using slave labour, being a supremacist and a coitus addict. But let’s not talk about that; let’s talk about how important is Jeffree Star worth? Jeffree Star Net Worth$ 4.3 Million The first thing that comes in my mind when I hear about Jeffree Star is his net worth which is$ 5.3 million. This quantum is just too...